

WebsiteTel: 0870 600 1667

7Safe was created to provide superior quality information technology services and solutions. Global University-accredited information security training and hacking training featuring the CSTA, CSTP and CAST certifications.

Company foundersĀ Alan Phillips andĀ Dan Haagman worked extensively in the corporate IT security sector prior to launching 7Safe. They identified a growing need in the market place for a highly professional, personable and progressive approach to information security consulting and education.

In forming 7Safe, they set about creating a company with the highest levels of technical excellence, combined with the equally important qualities of trustworthiness, responsiveness and conscientious customer service.

Education is a cornerstone of effective security, and 7Safe has developed a highly regarded portfolio of university-accredited courses and certifications. All training is tutored by our experienced consultants, an approach that guarantees continually revised, highly relevant real-world educative content.

7Safe takes pride in operating at the cutting edge of the information security industry, whilst retaining the people-oriented focus that has always been central to its philosophy.