News story

University of the Arts and Delta Kn join accessplanit at Learning Technologies

Learning Newsaccessplanit

Jo White from the renowned University of the Arts London and Steve Wilson from international pharmaceutical and healthcare training specialists Delta Kn will support software development house accessplanit in a seminar at this year’s Learning and Technologies Conference and Exhibition.

accessplanit at stand 67- Learning Technologies Exhibition
accessplanit at stand 67- Learning Technologies Exhibition 

The seminar will explore how two very different organisations use the accessplanit training management software to maximise business potential and secure a competitive advantage in their individual markets.  

Dave Evans, accessplanit MD explains: "We wanted to take a very different approach to the seminar this year.  Each accessplanit client has specific needs and requirements which are often business critical to their organisation.  In almost every case, we work with clients to customise elements of the system, maximising its ability to add value to their business models.  Jo and Steve will share their experiences offering very different tangible and measurable examples, which will give the audience a great insight into what can be achieved from a training management system."

The 'Drive down costs and improve your ROI - LMS customers tell you how' seminar will take place on day two of the exhibition Wednesday 30th January at 11am.  Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage with the speakers who will be happy to take questions.

Learning Technologies 2013 takes place at Olympia on 29th/30th January and includes over 120 free seminars.  Register today for free and join accessplanit on stand 67.

More about the seminar and the impact accessplanit's training management system can have on a business is available from the accessplanit team on 0845 5430 229 or email .