News story

The new Seminar Knowledge Centre LMS delivers social learning tools, iPhone and iPad apps launching at WOLCE 2011 on stand E80

Cambridge, UKLearning NewsActeon Communication and Learning

The latest version of the popular Seminar Knowledge Centre LMS, due for release this autumn, features integrated social learning capabilities for trainers to build into their courses, as well as delivery to iPhone and iPad devices.

Facebook-style discussion areas, enhanced learner profile pages and optional Twitter feeds will now be part the training toolkit available to organisations using the Knowledge Centre, produced by Cambridge-based Information Transfer.

The Knowledge Centre is the always available, accessible anywhere, e-learning management system that enables organisations to deliver courses, quizzes, surveys and supporting resources such as documents, video clips and podcasts via a branded web-portal. Regular up-to-the-minute information on progress, scores and completions can be captured and automatically e-mailed to managers and course administrators as a PDF file or Excel spreadsheet.
Knowledge Centre users will now have access to a companion 'app' for the iPhone and iPad, allowing them to share ideas and experiences with other delegates, browse course resources such as video clips, PowerPoint presentations and podcasts, follow Twitter feeds relevant to the course content and connect with fellow delegates via LinkedIn and other social networks.

"We think we've provided Knowledge Centre users with the features they want on their mobile devices," said Matthew Borg, Managing Partner at Information Transfer. "We've tried to build something that complements the traditional structured online training module and which offers learners and course designers some powerful social learning features."

Course authors can make 'bite-sized' content resources available online and via smartphones and tablet devices using tools such as Screenr, PowerPoint and You Tube. Trainers will also have the ability to associate Twitter feeds with Knowledge Centre courses, providing learners with additional subject-specific information and discussion threads.

The Knowledge Centre companion app will initially be available for the iPhone, iPad and other tablet devices. Information Transfer has plans to release a version for the Android platform later this year.

Visitors to the World of Learning Conference and Exhibition, 27th and 28th September at the Birmingham NEC, can see the new Knowledge Centre features, along with the latest version of the popular e-learning authoring tool Seminar Author, on stand E80.

The Seminar Learning System includes tools for creating, reviewing, delivering, tracking and selling e-learning courses, quizzes and surveys. Seminar Author and the Knowledge Centre are products from the award-winning company Information Transfer, currently celebrating its 30th anniversary.

For more information, contact Howard Steed - 01223 310233