Anders Pink App and Curation Bundles in 7 Languages
Anders Pink has launched a new language feature and multi-language curation bundles in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
Curation has come into its own during the last six months. The latest research from Fosway ranks it as the number two most successful method of learning during the pandemic.
“With the rising demand for effective content curation to drive continuous learning and support teams around the world, Anders Pink has been looking at what more it can do to support international audiences, and today we’re launching our new Languages Feature and Multi-Language Curation Bundles,” explains Stephen Walsh, Co-Founder, Anders Pink.
Users can now create a briefing, a curated feed of content from around the web, in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish with further languages to follow.
Each of the curated feeds updates every few hours like its established English language briefing, proving users with the latest and up to date content in each language.
Walsh adds: “We’ve carefully selected top quality sites and sources in each language working with experts in each territory. People will see business-focused, relevant content faster in their target language.”
People can can create their own curated briefing on any topic and make use of 150 predefined briefings on popular topics including: Leadership and management, Sales and marketing, HR and L&D topics, Technical skills, Compliance, Business and strategy, Personal development, Living and working well in the “New Normal” and Top Ranked in-demand Skills by LinkedIn and The World Economic Forum.
More information is available from the Anders Pink blog.