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ARuVR: Building a Legacy of Immersive Learning with Tangible Results

LondonLearning NewsARuVR

Showcasing real enterprise, XR use cases with positive outcomes and results


Immersive training is much touted in the XR world because it can drive positive learning outcomes based on repeatable virtual scenarios.

Major businesses in sectors such as transport, healthcare, retail, and more leverage AR/VR/MR training solutions to innovate work procedures and produce new learning outcomes.

But the XR training space is emerging and new to many, so engaging with the data and facts about immersive learning can be challenging, especially given the steep amount of marketing that can, at times, come alongside the immersive technology market, which can naturally confuse or misinform new XR adopters.

However, the facts are out there. Immersive training experts ARuVR collaborated with XR Today to showcase a legacy of success stories with major international clients that highlight tangible facts and results.

Coca-Cola: Award-Winning Immersive Training

Coca-Cola, one of the world’s largest businesses, turned to ARuVR to provide its brand of immersive training for workers at its Bepensa branch.

Jorge Suarez, Corporate Safety Leader at Bepensa Coca-Cola, noted that the ARuVR solution enabled the branch’s team to demonstrate workplace hazards virtually, ensuring staff safety, “which completely removes training risk. “

ARuVR provided Coca-Cola Bepensa with a 100 percent safe virtual learning environment, which increased learning retention by 15 per cent compared to traditional classroom training, improved employee training efficiency by more than 75 per cent, increased trainee engagement by 80 per cent, and significantly reduced carbon emissions.

Suarez called ARuVR training a “game-changer,” which led to Coca-Cola Bepensa’s VR Safety Training programme being named the winner of the Global QSA & ETA Innovation Challenge “Quality & Safety” award.

AA: Demonstrating Streamlined Integration of XR into Existing Workflows

AA, the UK’s leading provider of roadside assistance, worked with ARuVR to deploy immersive training to roughly 2,500 employees to prepare mobile mechanics for roadside service operations.

Louise Greenhoff, Group Head of Learning and Delivery at AA, noted that the ARuVR platform allowed AA to transform existing text-heavy 2D linear training modules into “fully immersive 360 modules.”

“ARuVR has speeded our learning time to competence and is generating ever-increasing training efficiencies,” said Greenhoff.

The AA collaboration led to many results, including addressing broader health and safety concerns while contributing to new internal upskilling opportunities without risking the learners’ health.

Frank Furnari, the CEO & Founder of ARuVR, added:

AA is able to deliver real-life scenarios without compromising learner safety in any way. Combine this with the ease with which VR and AR content can be created through our no-code platform, and the proposition and efficiencies are compelling.

Five Guys: Optimised Virtual Upskilling

Immersive training is not reserved for any one type of business. Notably, fast food chain Five Guys launched an ARuVR-powered immersive training programme that optimised upskilling procedures for new hires and long-standing employees.

Five Guys noted that immersive training allowed team members to access efficient and effective training that covers diverse learning styles, accommodations, cultural considerations, and language demographics.

Moreover, Five Guys boosted learner retention rates by dividing ARuVR immersive learning modules into bite-sized procedures that take no longer than 2-3 minutes.

The Five Guys case study also highlights how immersive training is most effective when technology and worker accessibility is deeply considered, with the food chain deploying training across laptops, smartphones, and tablets to accommodate all students.

Mintra: Answering a Global Demand for Immersive Learning 

Immersive training is growing, and to match this demand, ARuVR is underway with a significant strategic partnership with Mintra, a global leader provider of digital learning solutions, scaling virtual learning opportunities to more than 4,000 international enterprise clients.

The partnership enables Mintra to integrate ARuVR learning features into its TrainingPortal solutions, opening the opportunity to workers in safety-critical industries such as maritime and energy sectors.

“Safety-critical and highly regulated industries are embracing training solutions to reduce training risk, drive efficiency and raise standards,” noted Furnari.

The Mintra/ARuVR partnership enables the groups to remove enterprise XR adoption by providing access to cross-platform and code-free immersive learning content generation pipelines. According to Siren Berge, Mintra’s CTO, this “enriches the training experience while simultaneously reducing risk and increasing efficiency.”

S&P Global: Overcoming Deployment Hurdles

S&P Global chose ARuVR to revolutionise its corporate training program so that the firm can continue to lead in providing independent business ratings, benchmarks, analytics, and data.

Using ARuVR’s platform, S&P Global claimed increased engagement levels at a massive scale, reaching roughly 2,500 employees thanks to a cross-platform approach.

” The ability to virtually step into one of our offices, regardless of one’s physical location, has enhanced our onboarding experience and strengthened our commitment to being a unified team working towards common objectives,” notes Emma Johnson, Learning Manager for Commodity Insights.

Moreover, Johnson noted that immersive learning allowed S&P Global to align company workers by translating workplace culture and values at the start of an employee’s workplace journey.

UCL Hospitals: Protecting Patients with XR 

Healthcare is a significant pillar in XR training. UCL Hospitals protects patients and safeguards surgical procedures.

UCL reported that immersive training optimised the time and capital investment needed for surgical training due to factors such as removing geographical and facilitation of access barriers.

Moreover, UCL confirmed that following the deployment, its healthcare professionals experienced a near 100 per cent reduction in the risk of contamination, a 75 per cent increase in learner retention, 90 per cent high student engagement, 400 per cent cost-saving ROI, and a 168 per cent ROI in extra revenue.

Professor Antonino Spinelli, the Director of the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery at Humanitas Research Hospital Milan, Italy, stated that the immersive training programme is “making a huge difference.”

ARuVR: A Legacy of Success

But what does this all mean? ARuVR’s case studies highlight that immersive training produces results and good ones.

While some unaware pundits may question the rise of XR solutions in the workplace due to misconceptions, companies leading in the AR/VR/MR industry are already showcasing results that are turning the heads of global businesses today.

As the reputation of immersive training as well as other XR use cases grows, so will the results. The more companies that get involved in AR/VR/MR solutions, the more positive results will emerge. But, which firms will take the first step and get ahead of the pack? Time will tell.