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News and diary date: Next generation learning from Brightwave at Learning Technologies 2013

UKLearning NewsBrightwave Group

Brightwave announce seminar and lunch programme at Learning Technologies 2013 on how we can use technology to better integrate learning and work.

Venue: Olympia 2 Conference Centre, London  
Dates: Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th January 2013

Across a programme of lunches and seminars Brightwave experts will demonstrate how learning today can be more dynamic, relevant and personal to meet the changing needs of organisations and their learners.

Towards Maturity Benchmark 2012 study shows a significant gap between the importance organisations place on integrating learning and work (93%) and what’s actually being achieved (23%). Increasingly, we all need to be able to organise our learning to meet specific business objectives and performance targets. How can we help reality meet our expectations?

Spaces for the lunches are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. The seminars are free to attend and don’t require advanced booking - just turn up for the start of the session. 

What's on: Tuesday 29th January 2013

IGNITE Session: Making Learning Alive at Work
11.45am - 1pm | Seminar Theatre 2 | Learning Technologies

The first Brightwave seminar is a fast-paced IGNITE session where leading practitioners in workplace learning will share their perspectives on why making learning alive at work is important to them and how they're tackling it. 

Best-practice lunch: The Joy of Learning Transformation 
12.30 -1.30pm | Advanced registration required

In this session Brightwave's Sarah Bell and Change Management Specialist Keith Stopforth will use real-world case studies to share some valuable insights on how to ensure your learning transformation programme is business-focussed, well-managed and successful.

Seminar: The question of content - how do we make it work-relevant? 
2.30 - 3pm | Seminar Theatre 6 | Learning & Skills

Brightwave's Learning Design experts will explore the question of where to go and what to trust when we want to help our people perform better. The session will introduce five key content and curation considerations for an effective learning strategy in a world where more than 5 Exabyte's of data are published online every two days.  

What's on - Wednesday 30th January 2013

Seminar: Bridging the gap - how to introduce virtual classrooms to your organisation 
10.45 - 11.15am | Seminar Theatre 8 | Learning & Skills

Matt Turner, MD of Brightwave's interactive live online learning channel LiveTime, will use real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate how virtual classrooms are helping organisations meet their organisational goals.

Best-practice lunch: Learning Analytics: Using data to drive better learning experiences
12.30 - 1.30pm | Advanced registration required

This lunch is an opportunity to explore how Learning Analytics is helping organisations improve the responsiveness and effectiveness of their learning programmes.

Seminar: Tin Can Experience: How we learn and work
11.45am - 12.15pm | Seminar Theatre 2 | Learning Technologies

Brightwave's Head of Technology, Paul Burns, looks at the move away from the linear e-learning course to a continuously online world of learning and connections. The session will summarise the opportunities presented by Tin Can Experience to better integrate learning with our work.  

How to attend
All lunches and seminars are free to attend, and Brightwave will also be exhibiting at stand 146 on the exhibition floor. However, there is limited space at the networking lunches and prior registration is required.
Registration for lunch sessions

For more information please contact:
T: +44 (0)1273 827676