News story

Cultures of Contribution: How to motivate engagement with online learning communities at Learning Technologies 2014

Learning Technologies 2014, London OlympiaLearning NewsBrightwave Group

Diary date and press invitation to an exclusive panel seminar at Learning Technologies 2014, featuring presentations from Brightwave, KPMG and LearnerLab. Plus, details of Brightwave's social media campaign 'Learning is…', where Brightwave will be asking the industry in the lead-up to the event to contribute and share their responses to the key question: 'What is learning to you?'

DIARY DATE: Cultures of Contribution: How to motivate engagement with online learning communities at Learning Technologies 2014

Join experts from Brightwave, LearnerLab and KPMG as they explore theory, technical challenges and real-world examples of creating and maintaining successful online learning communities.

Cultures of Contribution: How to motivate engagement with online learning communities

Venue: Learning Technologies Exhibition, Seminar Theatre 2, Olympia 2, London              
Date: Wednesday 29th January 2014
Time: 11.00am-12.15pm


The consumption and sharing of knowledge online is now the core means by which we learn and work. Understanding motivations for learning, and meeting the expectations of our learners has never been more important. Brightwave's award-winning continuous social learning platform tessello has been developed to meet the needs of forward thinking organisations today.

Hosted by next generation learning partner Brightwave and chaired by Brightwave CEO Charles Gould, Cultures of Contribution will explore the conception and creation of new digital environments that engage and motivate learners to collaborate and produce purposeful and valuable social learning communities.

"I'm looking forward to chairing this discussion on a massively important topic for learning at work. We have three distinct angles on the subject of consuming and sharing knowledge that will come together to provide a unique picture - of how to develop, foster and improve collaborative online learning."
Charles Gould, CEO, Brightwave

About this session

A panel of expert speakers will come together to share their insights, ideas and personal experiences of bringing online learning communities to life. Jonathan Archibald, Head of Technical Development at Brightwave will be joined by Carl Hodler, Co-founder and Digital Engagement Expert, at LearnerLab and Drew Clare, Head of Learning Technology for EMA at KPMG LLP.

Through a mixture of debate, theory and real-world examples, the session will cover:

•             How to foster a culture of contribution, from concept to community
•             Alignment - the impact and value of collaborative learning
•             Creating seamless and compelling user experiences to secure real engagement
•             Lessons from outside work that support a learning culture
•             The power of learning communities to deliver organisational change

Booking for this session is not required, however seating in the theatre may be limited. To avoid disappointment and guarantee your seat, arrive at Seminar Theatre 2 a few minutes before the start of the session.

Q: What is learning to you?
A: Learning is... #learningis

In advance of Learning Technologies 2014, Brightwave and engagement partner LearnerLab are looking to build a picture of the personal perspectives behind what learning means today by inviting everyone working in the industry to consider a single simple question: What is learning to you?

With responses beginning "Learning is…", Brightwave is inviting contributions from across the industry via the hashtag #learningis, with the aim of gathering a wide range of individual views and opinions reflecting today's learning landscape.

For more information please contact:

Rob Keery

T: +44 (0)1273 827676

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Notes to editors: