CM Group to demonstrate the latest Luminosity end-to-end mobile learning solutions at Learning Technologies 2014
CM Group, a global leader in the field of innovative learning solutions comprising interactive eLearning and mobile learning, will host 'Practical mobile learning – an end-to-end demonstration' seminars at Learning Technologies 2014.
CM Group will demonstrate how technology is no longer a barrier for training and learning professionals, and how organisations are now using mobile learning to great effect, often as an integral part of blended learning programmes.
Seminar presenter Alex Mackman, Technical Director at CM Group, explains: “I will show by way of case study examples and demonstration, that with the right approach and the right tools, it is easy to create, publish, and deploy mobile learning to native Apps on a wide range of mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones.”
While the seminars will be practical and hands-on, they will also present some key factors that need to be considered prior to any mobile learning project implementation and will highlight, by way of real examples, some of the major benefits that can be achieved.
The seminars will also showcase CM Group’s range of mobile learning solutions, including; Luminosity Motion, the comprehensive mobile learning platform for managing and publishing learning resources to mobile devices, Luminosity Reach the next generation mobile enabled Learning Management System, Luminosity Create, the integral web-authoring tool for the production of responsive HTML5 learning content, and Luminosity Mentor, the range of learning and corporate communications Apps for offline consumption of learning resources.
The 'Practical mobile learning – an end-to-end demonstration seminar' takes place on the 29th and 30th January at 15:30 - 16:00 in Theatre 4.
CM Group has delivered many large scale mobile learning solutions to some of the biggest companies in the world. Its technology is now proven and in high demand from major organisations and is widely recognised as the leading end-to-end technical solution available today.
The Luminosity mobile learning app is available to download for participants to join in during the seminar. Find out more about CM Group’s seminars.
CM Group will be at Stand 133 at Learning Technologies 2014 on the 29th – 30th January to discuss your consulting, course development, hosting and mobile delivery requirements.