News story

CompTIA membership expands strategic direction within growing software services market

Learning NewsComptia

CompTIA ASP Industry Consortium (ASPIC) becomes the Software Services Group.

Recognizing the rapid growth and global acceptance of the software as a service model, the CompTIA ASP Industry Consortium (ASPIC) announced today that the section will now be known as the CompTIA Software Services Group.

The global advocacy group now represents a broader community of service providers, software developers and vendors, and the name change more clearly represents the evolving service provider industry. With the strong support from its diverse membership including organizations such as Hewlett Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Sonera, Verio/NTT, Vodafone and many others, the CompTIA Software Services Group will continue to provide the outstanding leadership and direction for the industry through the development of best practices and standards.

According to Gerard Kane, director of the CompTIA Software Services Group, "As a leading global trade association at the forefront of the software as a service market, CompTIA is committed to representing the entire IT industry. The new name accurately exhibits the hyper growth seen in the market and demonstrates how our community has expanded to include not only application providers and the xSP value chain but also the software sector. According to IDC, the worldwide xSP market reached nearly $195 billion in 2001 and is forecast to grow to $547 billion in 2006."

"Due to the evolution of new business models and technologies, we see the once distinct lines between software and services blurring. Service providers, outsourcers and software vendors are embracing the concept of providing tightly integrated solutions, says Laurie McCabe, vice president of Summit Strategies, "The name change to CompTIA Software Services Group, reflects this very exciting shift to a new outsourced software model."

ASPIC joined CompTIA in December 2001 in order to leverage CompTIA's ongoing leadership with developing standards in the areas of services, e-commerce, professional certification, public policy and technology learning.

"With excellent breadth and depth of service, the CompTIA Software Services Group can provide its members the opportunity to network with their peers and key industry insight through research and collaboration." says Gerard Kane.

For more information about the CompTIA Software Services Group, please visit: