News story

CompTIA CT Summit 2004 brings leaders in convergence technology solutions together

Learning NewsComptia

CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, is proud to announce the annual CT Summit conference, hosted by CompTIA's Convergence Group. The exclusive event will be held in Orlando, Fla., at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Aug. 3 - 5, 2004. The CT Summit is the premier convergence technologies conference for solution providers, interconnect dealers and systems integrators.

"The CT industry is vibrant with activity and promises exciting new products and applications the CT solutions provider channel will be able to offer its clients," according to CompTIA CT Pioneers section director Edward Migut. "We are pleased to host this event to meet the needs of our members by bringing together leaders in this market to help them capitalize on this activity and promote growth and development opportunities in the communications convergence industry."

This year's CompTIA CT Summit offers attendees forums, roundtable discussions, new CT product demonstrations, educational sessions, and networking activities designed to help build and grow the evolving CT channel. The event also features a keynote presentation delivered by Todd Meister, vice president of global channel strategy and distribution at Avaya.

"As business and technology leaders in the convergence space, we have the opportunity to work together at CT Summit to develop the sales and marketing and technical tools we need to help grow our businesses," said Alan Borck, chairman of the CT Pioneers Section and president and chief executive officer of ARC Communications, Ltd. "CT Summit provides a venue for valuable networking with our peers. It also provides us a forum to learn from each other and share key information that can make the difference between success and failure with convergence technology."

CompTIA has a strong focus in this industry segment with its Convergence Group, comprised of the CT Pioneers (small to medium solutions providers, interconnect dealers, and systems integrators) along with the ECTF (Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum). The mission of CompTIA's Convergence Group is to promote growth and development in the communications convergence industry through adoption of best practices, promotion of interoperability, standards, sales channel education, and facilitated networking opportunities.

CT Summit is co-located with CompTIA's Annual Breakaway Conference. The CT Technology Section exhibits will be located within the Breakaway Member Conference Solutions Pavilion.

More information on CompTIA CT Summit is available at