12 Habits: The Mentor from Hell - twelve bad habits of workplace mentoring
Milton KeynesLearning NewsCreativedge Training
Creativedge, the high-performance management, leadership and personal development training provider, has issued a tongue-in-cheek guide to some of the bad habits exhibited by many workplace mentors.
Creativedge has compiled a list of some of the common mistakes
that it sees workplace mentors repeating and is making it
available, free-of-charge, for mentors and L&D professionals.
It gives a tongue-in-cheek, humorous account of twelve common
mistakes that Creativedge has seen workplace mentors repeating and
is used as part of Creativedge's Mentoring Skills Workshop.
According to Creativedge's Training Director Mark Rose: "Many
workplace mentors lack the essential coaching and mentoring skills
that are needed to deliver performance improvements. Workplace
mentors are often those colleagues who've simply been 'doing the
job' the longest and it's rare for them to receive professional
training in how to mentor others."
"We think '12 Habits: The Mentor from Hell' will help workplace
mentors to avoid common pitfalls and also to recognise some of the
characteristics of high-performance mentoring," added Mark.
Creativedge specialises in high-performance management, leadership and personal development training and provide a unique range of creative, yet highly pragmatic development solutions that underpin employee engagement.