Poor emotional intelligence can derail business relationships but training can help
Mark Rose, Training Director, of Creativedge Training, the 'bite-size' management and leadership training provider, says that managers are not investing sufficient time in developing their emotional intelligence and has created an intensive 90-minute course and is offering ten top tips to help managers to improve emotional intelligence.
"When experiencing stress too many managers are allowing
rational thinking and decision making to go out of the window -
harming relationships and damaging productivity. Poor emotional
intelligence is often a factor," says Mark Rose, Creativedge
Trraining Director. "It's important that leaders are able to
control the flow of emotions between themselves and the people
around them."
Emotional intelligence describes the capacity to manage one's own
emotions and the emotions of others: positive emotions create high
energy levels and enable people to contribute; negative emotions
sap energy, cause low morale and raise stress and conflict.
"Leaders with low levels of emotional intelligence can be very
damaging for an organisation; they are less able to recognise the
root causes of negativity in the workplace," he added.
Creativedge has created a bite-sized, 90-minute training session
in emotional intelligence. Rose added: "our emotional intelligence
training session is an intensive, short course for managers that
provides the practical steps needed to build a higher emotional
intelligence and includes skills in how to apply emotional
intelligence in any workplace situation."
Creativedge's emotional intelligence training session is one of
over fifty 90-minute personal development training
sessions that its customers can select from to design
'intensive' management and leadership courses. They are designed
for busy managers that can't spend several days away from the
office on training courses; instead Creativedge's bite-sized
training sessions help to develop skills during an intensive,
shorter period of time.
Check out Creativedge's Top Tips on Improving Emotional