Successful networking: learn how with Creativedge Training
Creativedge Training, the 'bite-size' management and leadership training provider, has introduced a training course in personal networking techniques - an intensive 90-minute session to help business professionals to improve their networking skills.
"Successful networking at events is an important part of meeting
new people and building those relationships that turn into repeat
sales and referrals; it's a long-term business development
strategy," says Creativedge's Mark Rose.
"Networking must create a lasting impression; it's less about
meeting lots of new people and rather more about people remembering
you after the event and is a skill that needs to be developed and
worked on just like any other sales skill," added Rose.
Creativedge's 'Networking' bite-sized session is packed with tools
and techniques that can be put to work straight away. The session
covers areas such as; identifying where to network, approaching
people, opening and developing conversations, ways to end
conversations, maximising your elevator pitch and making a lasting
impression. 'Networking' is one of Creativedge's 56 bite-sized training sessions for managers and
business professionals.
Those interested in Creativedge's networking course may also
download a short guide to getting started with successful
networking: twelve tips created by Creativedge Training to help
managers and business professionals to make a start on improving
their networking skills: Top Tips for Improving Your Networking