Crown House Publishing announces education resource series
2013 Education Publisher of the Year, Crown House Publishing, has announced details of its new education titles for 2014.
Crown House Publishing has announced details of its new series of books; building upon the success of previous publications, the new range of books will be published throughout 2014 under the expert guidance of some of the company’s best-selling authors.
The resources include the following series:
The Perfect Series – written or edited by Jackie Beere author of The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson. Jackie is a consultant trainer and School Improvement Partner, and was also Head Teacher at Campion School, Northamptonshire. She spent three years as an Advanced Skills Teacher leading and implementing innovative Teaching and Learning initiatives including KS3 and 4 Learning to Learn and Thinking Skills programmes. In November 2002 Jackie was awarded an OBE for her services to education. The Perfect Series will cover a range of essential subjects from CPD to Science, and ICT to English.
The Osiris Educational Outstanding Teaching Series – Outstanding Teaching: Engaging Learners by Andy Griffith and Mark Burns is the first in a series of books that demystifies Outstanding Teaching.
Mick Waters Introduces Series – a new series of practical books, introduced by Professor Mick Waters. Mick, author of Thinking Allowed on Schooling is best known as former Director of the Curriculum at the QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) where he gained an heroic reputation amongst teachers while consulting on and explaining the new curriculum, making it relevant and meaningful for professionals working directly with children and young people. Mick is passionate about the role of education in improving life chances for pupils and is still very much involved with teaching and learning. In this new series he showcases what he believes to be the very best in practical resources for the curriculum.
How to Teach Series - written or edited by Phil Beadle, author of How to Teach, the series examines every aspect of the modern classroom and every element of classroom practice in a highly practical, but wildly irreverent, manner.
The Philosophy Foundation Series - The Philosophy Foundation is a social enterprise and a registered charity. Its aim is to bring philosophy (the study of general and fundamental problems) to the wider community and particularly into disadvantaged schools. The award winning The Philosophy Shop, edited by Peter Worley with contributions from A.C. Grayling and Angie Hobbs, was the first in this series. New titles for 2014 will include Provocation, a philosophy book for secondary schools and The Numberverse, a book which makes maths fun.
At the Learning and Skills Show the full range of printed titles will be available, including the recently published books and much awaited Independent Thinking by Ian Gilbert, leading educational innovator, speaker, writer and editor of Independent Thinking Press books.
Crown House Publishing is also providing the conference bookshop for the Learning and Skills Conference. On stand 318 there will be a wide range of publications, including works by the conference speakers as well as Crown House Publishing’s own titles. There will also be book signings taking place throughout the conference, with details to be announced soon.