E-learning next big thing: an integrated ecosystem of LMS, courses and apps
E-learning next big thing: an integrated ecosystem of LMS, courses and apps, according to the latest Craig Weiss’ independent Report.
Where is the E-Learning Market heading? The Independent analyst Craig Weiss reports the “LMS Ecosystem” as one of the hottest and most promising trends, and says Docebo is currently the only vendor who has implemented a full ecosystem.
Craig Weiss, independent E-Learning analyst and CEO at E-Learning 24/7, released a brand-new report about the hottest E-Learning trend, identified in the “LMS Ecosystem” approach.
This report highlights what an LMS Ecosystem is (benefits, factors and gains), and it also presents a LMS comparison overview about market vendors, leaders and forecasts.
According to Craig Weiss, “Personalized experience is hot in the LMS market. An ecosystem pushes it to elite status, because it truly empowers the learner to decide what they will use and want”.
Actually, an E-Learning Ecosystem allows companies to work in an integrated environment, where LMS, Courses and Apps work as one.
In this perspective, the report says that “Docebo is the only vendor who has implemented a full ecosystem”, because of its pure personalized experience, the apps and courses marketplaces, the free courses available and the “one click” approach, that makes easy the overall ecosystem management.
The full report is already available for free at: LMS Ecosystems - Assessment of the Market.
Further information about Docebo’s E-Learning Ecosystem is available on Docebo’s website.