DoceboInspire Fuels Passion for Innovation in Learning and Development
DoceboInspire will feature a lineup of world-class speakers, bringing 300+ learning and development professionals to Boston on September 18-19, 2017.
TORONTO - On September 18-19, 2017, DoceboInspire will bring more than 300 learning and development professionals to Boston, MA to experience world-class speakers, panels and workshops, capped off with a gala awards ceremony and evening yacht cruise around the Boston Harbor.
This is the first user conference for Docebo, the leading learning management platform for business, and the event is supported by platinum sponsor Ceridian and other industry partners, including OpenSesame, GuyKat, eLearning Industry, Training Industry and Elucidat.
“This is a conference for learning and development professionals that love to learn and lead by example,” says Claudio Erba, Docebo CEO and founder. “DoceboInspire attendees will head home with not just practical takeaways to improve their eLearning programs, but the inspiration to act on them and see them through as well.”
The conference features an impressive speaker lineup with three keynotes addressing a wide range of the top challenges and opportunities facing learning and development professionals today. They are:
The Changing Learning Landscape: Are You Ready?
David Wentworth, Principal Learning Analyst at Brandon Hall Group
Do today’s learning organizations and the people running them have the DNA to deliver the modern learning experience? David Wentworth will look at how the necessary skills, roles and responsibilities within the learning function are nearly unrecognizable from just a few years ago.
Why Leaders Struggle With Authenticity
Joshua Miller, Director of Leadership & Talent Development / Executive Coaching at Quora
An authentic leader is an effective leader. Joshua Miller will walk through how to identify and dismantle self-sabotaging behavior that prevents people from becoming the most effective, impactful version of themselves at work and in life.
People-Powered Innovation
Robin Chase, Co Founder & Former CEO of Zipcar
As the rate of disruption increases, a new organizational framework, Peers Inc., suggests a way to move forward. Robin Chase will discuss how to create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
In addition to the above speakers and additional industry experts, the DoceboInspire agenda provides a platform for many of Docebo’s customers, who will share their stories in implementing and growing successful eLearning programs.
The conference also shines a spotlight on exciting new technology, with highlights including a demonstration of how virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) technology can be harnessed by Learning & Development, and insights from Docebo CEO Claudio Erba on how AI and learning automation are set influence the future of the eLearning industry.
Learning and development professionals unable to attend the conference can still see firsthand how Docebo is transforming the learner experience, by starting afree 14-day trial today.