News story

eAssessment is the Way Forward for the SQA's SIA Awards in Partnership with eCom Scotland

Dunfermline, ScotlandLearning NewseCom Learning Solutions

Over the last three years The SQA and eCom Scotland have worked together to develop the delivery model to provide the SIA group of qualifications in a secure, robust and cost effective environment. When these awards became live on 1 January 2011 both The SQA and eCom Scotland were in pole position to deliver this high tech, online solution.

The assessments are now delivered via eCom's eNetAssess assessment engine ( eNetAssess offers an easy and effective question and test delivery system available 24/7. It is all about making eAssessment easy, which can be adopted for both high stakes and informative assessments.

Candidates sit the assessments on-line, on-demand via multiple choice question (MCQ) papers. The MCQ papers are generated from an item bank that has been developed by The SQA. This method of assessment ensures that each candidate is presented with a unique examination paper and that assessments and re-assessments can be taken at any point throughout the year. In addition, results are available immediately on completion of the examinations.

SQA has joined with eCom Scotland, which is a leading provider of on-line learning and assessment, to provide the online, on-demand multiple choice question paper examinations. eCom Scotland has created a bespoke registration system that allows the training provider to book assessments at a time suitable for them. In addition, the system has built in security measures allowing the direct transmission of the candidate's digital image and signature, along with the results of the examination, to the SIA at the end of the test.

Paper-based over online? There are many reasons to go online:

• eAssessment on demand
• automation of delivery via the web
• flexibility with respect to location and timing
• automated registration and verification process
• immediate feedback to both candidates and trainers
• improved reliability (computer marked)
• accessibility options - allows for additional time
for candidates with additional support needs
• substantial cost savings in time and resources for
your centre
• easy to use booking and scheduling tools allows
authors to be in control of their learners

eAssessment is the way forward so make sure you do not get left behind.

For an on-site demo and to discuss your centre requirements please contact