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Top Marks Online - The Chartered Banker Institute launches a new eAssessment system with technology partner eCom Scotland

Dunfermline, ScotlandLearning NewseCom Learning Solutions

eNetAssess is a world-class system for delivery of eAssessments. The Chartered Banker Institute, working in partnership with technology provider eCom, will use the system for web delivery of both essay and multiple choice exams, with further enhancements including simplification of the marking system for the examiner and the verifier.

eNetAssess is a world-class system for delivery of eAssessments.  The Chartered Banker Institute, working in partnership with technology provider eCom, will use the system for web delivery of both essay and multiple choice exams, with further enhancements including simplification of the marking system for the examiner and the verifier.

Colin Morrison, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Education, explains: "The Institute has been a leader in providing online examinations for several years. This new system will bring greater functionality for students when answering essay questions and improvements to our marking and verification systems. It is an exciting development which will help transform our examination system for everyone's benefit."

In addition to offering enhanced benefits to exam candidates, all marking and verification will be completed online, making the whole process more streamlined for both examiners and verifiers.

For examiners, eNetAssess makes marking essay-based questions easy. Each examiner can log into the system and immediately be presented with assessments assigned to them.  The information presented has been slightly modified so that candidates' membership number is not longer displayed, replaced by a session number to ensure complete anonymity. A full exam paper is now available, with each question displayed on one screen, that captures both the question and the candidate's response.

For the verifiers the sampling and verification process not allows the verifier to have access to all exams and can, if necessary, suggest changes to a candidate's mark and feed back comments to the examiner - recorded in the verification history report.

Students will benefit from a contemporary and appealing  "look and feel" when online.  Up-graded radio buttons for multiple choice examinations, providing a clearer indication of which questions have been answered, the question currently being worked on,  and questions still require an answer. A progress bar moves along as the candidate progresses through the assessment.

Improved essay question layout brings additional benefits such as adjustable text size, spellchecker, tables to bullet point formatting.

Morrison further adds "This is a new and exciting phase in our online offering. We look forward to building on the technology to provide students with the best possible framework for success in their assessments.

A demo of eNetAssess is available from