News story

How ICTs Are Changing the Way We Live: eLearning Africa Launches Online Photo Competition

Berlin, Germany. Lusaka, Zambia.Learning NewseLearning Africa

How have mobile phones, the Internet, computers and the audiovisual media changed people's lives on the African continent? To find out, eLearning Africa has launched an online photography contest. The organisers are inviting people from Africa to submit images that show how they live, learn and work with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

The top three entries will win a photo camera, a mini camcorder and an iPod. The ten best photos will be featured in an exhibition at eLearning Africa conference. The largest pan-African conference on ICT for development, education and training, will take place in Lusaka, Zambia, from May 26th - 28th. More information on how to submit a photo can be found at

Developing sustainable and effective educational infrastructures is one of the goals of the event. This year's eLearning Africa - the fifth - will take place under the patronage of the Zambian Minister of Education, the honourable Ms Dora Siliya.

With a multitude of best-practice examples on display, eLearning Africa presents how and where technology-enhanced learning can boost the Continent's economies and development. International experts provide participants with solutions on how online education and training can be implemented in corporations and organisations successfully and cost effectively.

Serving as a pan-African platform, eLearning Africa is the key networking event for investors, education experts, as well as providers of education and training on the Continent. Each year, a different country serves as the venue.

eLearning Africa is accompanied by an exhibition and demonstration area where leading international eLearning manufacturers, suppliers and service providers present their latest products and services.

Detailed information on the event can be found at

Notes for editors
eLearning Africa, 5th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training
May 26-28, 2010
Mulungushi International Conference Center, Lusaka, Zambia
Organisers: ICWE GmbH,
Contact: ICWE GmbH,,
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0

Press Contact
Ms Beate Kleessen
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0,

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