News story

eLearning Africa 2015: call for proposals

Learning NewseLearning Africa

eLearning Africa 2015 is looking for the stories, experiences, research, thinking and expertise that make up the complex but thrilling picture of ICT for development, education and training in Africa today.

Above all others, Africa’s human capital is its most valuable resource. Individuals are the driving force behind development, innovation and economic growth on the Continent, and access to quality education and ICTs enrich the potential of individuals to empower communities. At eLearning Africa 2015, we will be asking how ICTs can be used today to enhance knowledge, expertise and abilities relevant for tomorrow. How can quality education be provided, designed, implemented, supported and certified for Africa’s youth and Africa’s workforce?

The 10th eLearning Africa will bring together decision makers and practitioners from the education, business and government sectors to discuss, share and act on all themes surrounding access, openness, digital literacy, culture, pedagogy, sustainability, best practices and more.

The conference is the key networking event for ICT-enhanced education and training in Africa. As the largest annual conference of its kind, the three-day event is a must for those wanting to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships whilst enhancing their knowledge, expertise and abilities.

In 2015, eLearning Africa is being hosted by the Ethiopian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (CIT) at The African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 20-22.

Call for proposals

Lend your voice to a continuing conversation that is helping to shape Africa's future. We are looking for the stories, experiences, research, thinking and expertise that make up the complex but thrilling picture of ICT for development, education and training in Africa today, under the overall theme of Enriching Tomorrow. The deadline for submission is January 15th, 2015.

Key facts of eLearning Africa 2014

  • 1,500 eLearning experts, high-level decision makers, practitioners, researchers and stakeholders
  • Over 300 speakers and 60 parallel sessions and workshops spanning all the major issues, developments and trends in eLearning
  • 4 inspiring plenary sessions featuring renowned expert speakers
  • 3,371 tweets featuring the #eLA14 hashtag
  • Over 1,680 clippings (Print, TV, Radio, Online and Social Media) including: The Guardian, BBC, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal,, Forbes Africa, Deutsche Welle
  • More than 60 exhibitors and sponsors showcasing the best products and services on the market

eLearning Africa Online


eLearning Africa provides leading eLearning manufacturers, suppliers and service providers with multiple opportunities to establish and strengthen valuable personal contacts. Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities are limited. Exhibiting, sponsoring or advertising queries:

eLearning Africa is organised by:
ICWE GmbH, Leibnizstrasse 32 
10625 Berlin, Germany
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Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33