News story

eLearning Africa: final Call for Proposals

Berlin/KampalaLearning NewseLearning Africa

Under the theme of “Opening Frontiers to the Future”, eLearning Africa 2014 will bring together decision-makers and practitioners from across Africa and the world to share and examine the stories, experiences, research, thinking and expertise that make up the complex but thrilling picture of eLearning in Africa today ~ Proposal submission closes January 15.

Submit a proposal before the deadline of January 15 and play an active role in Africa’s largest Conference on ICT for development, education and training, which attracts more than 1,400 participants from over 90 countries. In 2014 the conference is being hosted by the Ugandan Ministry of ICT and will take place in Kampala.

Whether you're using a mobile app to engage young people with citizenship programmes, implementing state of the art technology to bring rural communities onto the grid and online, researching the impact of tablets in vocational learning, coordinating a local iHub to encourage home-grown innovation or lobbying government to prioritise ICT in national education policy, the eLearning Africa audience wants to hear about it.

More information is available on the themes, formats and submission process.

Notes for editors

  • eLearning Africa, 9th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training
  • May 28 - 30, 2014
  • Speke Resort and Conference Centre Ltd, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda
  • Organisers: ICWE GmbH (, Government of the Republic of Uganda

Contact: ICWE GmbH, Ms Rebecca Stromeyer,,
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0

Press Contacts

Juliane Walter / Andrea Ricciarelli
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0, Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33,

Social media

Facebook name: eLearning Africa Group
Twitter: @eLAconference #eLA14
LinkedIn group name: eLearning Africa

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