News story

Winners of most innovative new tool in e-learning

UKLearning NewsEpic

Epic and Diageo were amongst the elite few to win a 2008 e-learning award. Their people management 'Diagnostic Tool', developed in partnership, was recognised as the "Most innovative new product or tool in e-learning".

Pictured from left to right: Carys Rowan & Tracy Capaldi-Drewett from Epic, and Mandy Polling & Iain Clements from Diageo.
Pictured from left to right: Carys Rowan & Tracy Capaldi-Drewett from Epic, and Mandy Polling & Iain Clements from Diageo. 

The prestigious award ceremony certainly did not disappoint and the recognition was greatly received by Epic and Diageo employees alike, who were delighted with the win.

Based on an existing paper-based profiling questionnaire developed by Diageo, the tool analyses an individual’s responses to statements on Diageo’s nine areas of People Management to provide managers with individual learning paths. This pinpoints specific areas of need and recommends the most appropriate training solutions from Diageo’s wide portfolio of courses, workshops and other training activities.

The awarding body stated: "Diageo, working with Epic, have a tool that shows a link between assessment, job role competencies and recommended learning paths, and which can provide company managers with a decisive development route. The judges were impressed that Diageo and Epic were developing the concept of performance development into a living tool".

Iain Clements, Learning Management Specialist at Diageo comments:
“Other suppliers suggested we build a standalone tool – Epic were the only company that seemed as excited by the technical challenge of developing this module using the SCORM content model as we were.”

Carys Rowan, Account Manager at Epic comments: “We’re delighted the programme has been recognised as an exemplar e-learning tool. Diageo and Epic have worked brilliantly together and make an excellent team. Winning the award is testament to our collaborative success!”

To view the full results of the 2008 E-learning Awards, see here:

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