News story

Epic experts to speak at Learning Technologies

Learning NewsEpic

Official Learning Technologies sponsor Epic is proud to present two free seminars at Learning Technologies 2014, focusing on recurring trends in learning technologies and best practice tips for choosing the right learning platform.

Join Epic’s Director of Learning Imogen Casebourne and Head of Consulting Lars Hyland for the Learning and Skills seminar, ‘Back to the future – video, mobile, storytelling and simulation successes from 1985 to 2015!’, which will revisit some of the major trends in learning technologies identified by Epic over the years. The session, which takes place on 29th January at 2.30pm in Theatre 9, will explore topics such as mobile learning, the rise of video and personalised learning.

Imogen and Lars will show examples from real Epic-created courses to illustrate the way these trends have been put to use, along with how good storytelling will always be a vital element of learning design.

Don’t miss Head of Learning Platforms Mark Aberdour on day two. Mark will be addressing the value of bespoke learning platforms in his seminar, ‘A learning platform just for you’, at 12.30pm on 30th January in Theatre 3. His session will explain how products such as Moodle and Drupal can be tailored to your needs for a more bespoke solution.

Mark will present several brief case studies showcasing Epic’s previous creation of bespoke learning platforms for a variety of clients, clearly demonstrating how each solution met the unique requirements of different companies.

As well as Epic’s own exhibition seminars, Helen Bingham and Alison Potter will also be drawing on research conducted by Epic in their conference seminar, ‘Putting mobile learning to work’. They will explore the way mobile learning is used in the NHS, including how activity is tracked, how to design and deploy successful mobile learning and creating content for different devices. This seminar will take place in Track 2 of the Learning Technologies conference from 11.30-12.30pm on 29th January.

After the sessions, be sure to visit Epic on stand 113 to see more demos and to meet the team. If you would like to arrange a private meeting, please get in touch at