News story

RoSPA approval for EssentialSkillz E-Learning courses

Milton Keynes, England and Galway, IrelandLearning NewsEssentialSkillz

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has approved a number of EssentialSkillz E-Learning courses. The exceptionally popular and much sought-after accreditation scheme offers organisations the opportunity to demonstrate that its courses adhere to an accepted standard of excellence in health and safety training.

ErgoWize course RoSPA approved
ErgoWize course RoSPA approvedĀ 

EssentialSkillz chose RoSPA to approve its courses as RoSPA is a nationally recognised and widely respected charity strongly focused on health and safety issues. As a leading voice in health and safety, and the longest-running safety organisation in the UK, RoSPA has been an active campaigner for the promotion of safety and an influential driving force in shaping policy and UK safety legislation for generations. It continues to set the standard in training the next generation of health and safety professionals.


EssentialSkillz is especially pleased that its online training courses passed the approval process without the need for any amendments which is testament to the quality of training material that EssentialSkillz produces. The RoSPA seal of approval is a powerful and authoritative reminder of the quality of the online training provided by EssentialSkillz.

RoSPA approval adds credibility to online safety training because of the formidable reputation that RoSPA has in the safety industry as well as the rigorous and comprehensive review process that courses must undertake in order to get the offical stamp of approval from the RoSPA assessors. The following EssentialSkillz courses have been independently assessed and deemed to embody best practice in their particular areas:


The "Approved by RoSPA" logo is much sought-after in the health and safety industry as it promises quality, credibility and integrity and it also demonstrates a strong commitment to high standards in delivering health and safety training.


Julian Roberts, Managing Director at EssentialSkillz said he was delighted to earn RoSPA approval for EssentialSkillz E-Learning courses:


"The route towards RoSPA approval involved a comprehensive and thorough review of our online training products. We are delighted that our courses have met the high standards expected by RoSPA in the form they were presented for review and without any need for amendments. This impartial and independent quality assurance from such a leading voice in the health and safety industry is sure evidence that our E-Learning training courses are of the highest quality. RoSPA approval is an added assurance to our staff, our customers and the public at large that we shall continue to aspire to the highest possible standards in E-Learning content delivery".