Giunti Labs and Cegos meet demand for high quality talent management and personalised learning
In response to employers’ growing demand for active talent management within their workforces and the current trend towards the personalisation of learning materials, Giunti Labs and Cegos, to further strengthen their on-going partnership, are collaborating to integrate Cegos’ catalogue of learning materials with Giunti Labs’ learn eXact LCMS.
The two companies began their collaboration in 2007, when Cegos’ selected Giunti Labs - a leading learning and mobile content management solution provider - and its flagship learning content management suite (LCMS), learn eXact, to transform Cegos’ existing offering into a new generation, off-the-shelf and blended learning catalogue - combining classroom training, e-learning and pre- and post-training evaluation in a modular, flexible, personalised solution for end user organisations. In 2009, Cegos and Giunti Labs were awarded the Gold IMS Learning Impact award for building Cegos’ Management Skills Catalogue using the learn eXact LCMS.
Cegos’ catalogue serves some 200,000 learners worldwide and provides over 200 modules in 14 languages, with options for using these in the context of blended learning.
“We now endorse Giunti Labs as our main e-learning content production and management partner and the learn eXact platform as our main and first choice LCMS solution for any blended processes needing e-learning implementations in addition to Cegos’ in-house services,” said Pascal Debordes, eLearning Director at Cegos.
“Cegos is benefitting from reductions in time and costs involved in content authoring and management through using the Giunti Labs’ learning content management system,” Debordes explained. “And, since this collaboration enables learner tracking and reporting on all e-learning, learners now experience substantial cost savings – in both travelling and time – through reducing the amount of classroom based learning they need in order to achieve competence.”
“In a world of rapidly developing competition, organisations need to identify their workers’ skills, knowledge and competencies, as well as deliver the right learning content to each user just in time, where and when the user needs it,” commented Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO of Giunti Labs.
“So, Giunti Labs’ products help to meet the learning individualisation needs of contemporary organisations through the skills-based personalisation features of its eXact Portfolio - an ePortfolio and skills management system to help clients attract, develop and maintain employees, as well as align them to corporate strategic goals, to build a lasting competitive edge - as well as the location-based and multi-device channel capability of its eXact Mobile modules for the learn eXact LCMS.”
Cegos runs a comparison analysis - to benchmark blended-learning and classroom-based delivery worldwide – on an on-going basis. To date, all results show improved learning retention, performance and quality of achievements within the organisations using the Cegos/ Giunti Labs’ system.
Moreover, Cegos’ clients report that the module-based format is highly effective in supporting targeted usage. They also claim to have found it excellent in terms of the customer interface.
“The Cegos catalogue can be loaded on any learning management system (LMS), and related tracking can support planning and management within the competency development cycle,” Debordes said. “All content is SCORM compatible and tracked, allowing for a highly personalised diagnosis of learning gaps and needs, which are then addressed in the blended scenario.”
The Cegos online catalogue – which is continually growing to accommodate changes in learning topics - addresses 12 business programs, including: Management and Leadership; Project Management; Finance; Professional Effectiveness and Development; Sales and Marketing; Purchasing, as well as Training Expertise.
Content, as well as style and graphics, has been created for international use and is currently available in 14 languages. Courses are localised following the best international practices, adjusted to suit the local context and culture where the learning program is deployed.