One of Spain’s largest financial groups entrusts its learning content management to Giunti Labs
Caja Madrid – established for some 300 years and currently Spain’s fourth largest financial group – has revolutionised its training systems through the use of a learning content management system (LCMS) augmented by a learning management system.
The new system – supplied by Giunti Labs, a leading learning and mobile content management solution provider - is intended to improve both the efficiency and cost effectiveness of Caja Madrid’s staff training activities.
High levels of employee productivity and efficiency are crucial to Caja Madrid’s continued success and growth. This is the main reason why Giunti Labs’ learn eXact LCMS represents the most suitable solution for the organisation’s training contents production and management.
The project – known as ‘Aula Virtual de Caja Madrid’ – aims to exploit, and profit from, Caja Madrid’s as well as its partners’ and collaborators’ knowledge. All this is possible through a special system for learning materials development and delivery which is aligned to market rhythm and requirements.
This brand new ‘Aula Virtual’ supports a web-based content development method that can be used by internal and external subject matter experts as well as by learning object (LO) providers. Since LOs are then managed on the same LCMS and labelled with the same metadata schema, the whole process becomes more efficient from both content reuse and update points of view.
“The learn eXact LCMS solution allows Caja Madrid to organise - according to industry standards - all its learning content into one single content management system and digital repository,” explained Giunti Labs’ CEO, Fabrizio Cardinali.
“Most importantly, the legacy content of a huge number of instructor-led courses is being transferred into the system and tagged with a SCORM-based metadata and taxonomies framework. The same framework is also applied to all e-learning content.
“To ensure the efficient reuse and quality of the content, all third party content producers use learn eXact for their content production and management,” he said.
In February 2009, Caja Madrid adopted the SCORM 2004 standard for all its learning materials and recently began insisting that all those providing its learning materials did so with Giunti Labs’ SCORM 2004 conformant eXact Packager software.
In April 2009, Giunti Labs’ eXact Lobster Digital Repository was installed in Caja Madrid and content providers started generating content connected to Giunti Labs’ eXact Lobster at Caja Madrid. In the first months of 2010, Caja Madrid’s employees have begun using the resulting learning content.