News story

Filtered launch Data Science course to help business generalists become more effective analysts

LondonLearning NewsFiltered

Personalized online training providers look to reduce skills gaps among knowledge workers with new course.

With the volume of data produced by ecommerce turning the art of understanding customers on its head, companies have access to lots of consumer information these days. Platforms like Amazon, Netflix or Spotify are popular as their content personalisation generates more engaging, fun experiences for their customers. But without proper training it’s often hard to extract the needles of genuine insight in the haystacks of superfluous data collected.

In an attempt to improve the modern workforce’s proficiency in statistical analytics, online training providers Filtered have just launched their brand new Introduction to Data Science course.

The course teaches the analytical and statistical skills needed to turn data into actionable insights. It also covers how to use an analytical toolkit consisting of widely available or free software to allow statistical analysis and visualization.

Having noticed that the everyday requirements of modern professionals are becoming more and more varied, Filtered created the course to help business generalists looking to improve their analytical skills, as well as professional Data Scientists wishing to take their knowledge of the subject to another level.

A 2015 study by Filtered and market research agency Opinium found that 55% of UK workers use numerical data and statistical skills in their current role with only 20% receiving the necessary training to do this effectively (download the report for free).

The course uses Filtered’s adaptive algorithm to personalize course content to each individual user’s needs, removing what they already know or what’s not relevant to their job role and delivering a personalized learning experience. This innovative approach is proven to decrease time-to-performance for learners, reducing the opportunity cost of training and maximising the impact of time spent learning. It has seen Filtered pick up a number of awards over the last six months including Silver and Bronze at the Learning Awards in February 2016.

Filtered’s Head of Science and Content, and co-author of the Introduction to Data Science course, Chris Littlewood commented: “Modern businesses are always looking for ways to improve their strategies. Which webpage attracts more readers? Does the new store layout affect sales? What can we do to improve customer satisfaction? are just a few examples of questions that sit behind decision making in companies”.

“The only way to answer these questions is by analysing and understanding the data behind them. We believe our course will give modern professionals the skills to become more effective data analysts and thus be able to draw meaningful trends and insights from their audience data to inform business decisions”.

The Introduction to Data Science course is just one among a number of disciplines which Filtered believe are becoming a key part of a knowledge worker’s job role.

Take a look at the whole Filtered library or to find out more about Filtered’s Introduction to Data Science course email or call +44 (0)20 7729 9043.