Global Knowledge expands its portfolio to include EMC
Global Knowledge, the leader in IT and Business Skills training, today announced its partnership with EMC Corporation, the world leader in information infrastructure solutions.
EMC's focus is on helping customers to design, build, and manage flexible, scalable, and secure information infrastructures - in order to avoid the potentially serious risks and reduce the significant costs associated with managing information, while fully exploiting its value for business advantage. Global Knowledge has specifically partnered with EMC to provide high-end expert training and certification so as to help our clients maximise their investment in the EMC product set.
EMC courses offered by Global Knowledge provide training on information archival, backup, and consolidation, as well as resource management, CAS, SAN, NAS, and IP-SAN. Students receive comprehensive training on a suite of EMC products in order to help them improve process efficiency, increase productivity, ensure compliance, and optimise archiving to manage more data more efficiently.
The EMC training options include foundational courses on storage and EMC technology, including the best-selling Storage Technology Foundations (Information Storage and Management), as well as the two courses needed to earn the EMC Proven Professional Storage Technologist certification: Storage Networking Design and Management and Information Availability Design and Management. Also offered are EMC Smarts training, CLARiiON training, EmailXtender training, NetWorker training, and Rainfinity training.
All courses offer a mixture of lecture and hands-on labs and are delivered in the Global Knowledge Classroom or at EMC's UK headquarters in Brentford, Middlesex.
Sue Element, EMEA Customer Education Practice Manager, says 'EMC looks forward to working more closely with Global Knowledge to bring both EMC product specific training and generic information management training to a wider audience'.