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Growth Engineering Superhero Juliette Denny Officially Listed as ‘Top eLearning Thought Leader’

Windsor, UKLearning NewsGrowth Engineering

Growth Engineering’s founder and Managing Director, Juliette Denny, named #30 in Top 100 Corporate eLearning Movers & Shakers 2017 list.


Juliette Denny, has led the war against dull online learning since founding award-winning learning technologies company, Growth Engineering, in 2004. Her global influence in L&D has been recognised by Bob Little’s Press & PR, which places Juliette as #30 in the Top 100 Corporate eLearning Movers and Shakers 2017.

This prestigious list identifies the key thought leaders in the corporate eLearning world today and names Juliette as a champion of learner engagement techniques like gamification. It has listed the influencers in a single world ranking for the first time (Juliette ranked 5th place in the 2016 UK list).

The criteria for the list is based on the judges’ subjective opinion of who currently has the most sway within the eLearning industry. The Top 100 includes practitioners, facilitators, commentators and academics.

Juliette responded: "I’m so excited to be included on a list that’s brimming with innovators, thought-leaders, product champions and more. This is the cream of the crop – the individuals and teams who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with learning technologies and creating altogether more engaging solutions! Being a part of that is an honour and privilege."

"It’s brilliant to be recognised as a champion of gamification too, as this is an essential ingredient in the engagement mix – and creating engaging technology solutions and enthusing them with epic meaning is what Growth Engineering is all about."

"Congratulations to everybody who made the top 100 and to those who didn’t quite make it, but still had a kick-ass year! It’s exciting and inspiring to see all the brilliant work that’s happening in our space and the ideas that are being put into action. I believe there’s a superhero in all of us and when we work together we can create lasting transformation. So let’s start a learning revolution of epic proportions!"

Juliette is putting her plans for a learning revolution into action. She has announced that 2017 will be the year she will write her first book documenting all she has learned about what successful Learning & Development looks like. The book, Unleashing Superheroes, aims to give readers the tools to create lasting organisational change and unleash their inner superhero.

Juliette can be seen in action by checking out her latest presentation, entitled: ‘Traditional eLearning Is Dead: Here’s What The Future Holds’. Anyone who’s interested in joining the learning revolution can get involved and follow her writing journey in Juliette’s Unleashing Superheroes blog. And people can get in touch with Juliette via the following contact address: