Which is the best authoring tool: FLOWSPARKS or Articulate Rise?
eLearning experts at GuyKat compare intuitive content authoring tools FLOWSPARKS and Articulate Rise.
Let us set the scene - you’ve been tasked with producing learning content for your organisation and you don't have the budget to outsource the job. You’re not a professional eLearning developer but have a good understanding of your company and capacity to produce content in-house.
As an ‘accidental’ eLearning developer you now need an authoring tool that has intuitive design features, can be tailored to your company’s specific learning requirements and produces professional looking modules quickly.
We believe the two best authoring tools for this situation are FLOWSPARKS and Rise. They have shorter learning curves than programs like Storyline or Captivate and are packed with handy features to assist you in creating engaging content. At GuyKat we are proud users of both, and have outlined the pros, cons and best uses of each.
In our latest blog post we cover:
- The best features of each tool.
- The costs involved.
- Aftercare available.
- Integration capabilities.
- Translation support.
Read the full blog posts here and see which tool is the right fit for your organisation.