News story

Happy Computers reveals the two keys to training effectiveness

London, UKLearning NewsHappy

Post-course research by Happy Computers indicates that there are two factors that have the greatest impact on how much impact training has on productivity. One happens in the training room, the other doesn't. Click through to find out what they are....

The impact in the workplace is the measure of how effective training is. Surveying learners back at the office after their course, and correlating their responses to estimates of time saved, training company Happy Computers has established the two most important factors. One is related to what happened in the training room but the one having the greatest impact has little to do with the training company.

The most important factor was whether students had time set aside after the course to practice their new skills. This had a dramatic effect on time saved. Overall students on a one day course at Happy Computers estimated the time saved at 26 minutes a day, or over 100 hours a year. For those who set time aside to practice this average rose to 32 minutes a day but for those who didn’t, they estimated their productivity increase at just 12 minutes a day.

“This is a crucial finding”, commented Happy Computers Chief Executive Henry Stewart, “and one we should not ignore. We’ve always known that it was important to have practice time, but the size of the impact is remarkable. Too often students leave with the best of intentions but get buried in their work, including the backlog from when they were on the course. Our aim is not just to deliver training but to maximise the impact. All training companies need to take responsibility and persuade our customers that, to get the full benefit from their course, they need that time set aside. Its not an optional extra but a key part of the learning.”

The second factor was whether “training was personalised and the trainer helped me see how I could use what I learnt in my job”. Those strongly agreeing again saved over 32 minutes a day. Indeed, if you strongly agreed with this statement, it didn't matter how much time you had to practice.

“Learner Focused Training is at the core of our approach”, continues Henry “and I am delighted that xxx% did agree with the statement. Even on a public course, with six people from different organisations, we see it as the trainers responsibility to customise the course to the needs of those attending. Even something basic like Excel Essentials should be different every time its taught, according to how the learners need to use it in their job.”
Factors which did not correlate to actual impact included being clear on what your personal objectives from the course were and whether their manager knew they were attending and was clear on the benefits.

Previous studies had indicated the importance of managerial support for training and the Happy survey at first appeared to show this as a factor too. However statistical analysis revealed that the managerial impact was purely related to its effect on having time to practice (as it increased the likelihood of that happening). If that element was removed, there was no correlation between managerial support itself and time saved.

The survey was completed by 544 students who attended end-user training courses at Happy Computers between October 2006 and March 2007. In future post-course surveys, which take place each quarter, Happy plans to examine the effect of different amounts of practice time on time saved.
Contact: Henry Stewart,
07870 682442