News story

CERTPOINT announces 2011-2012 webinar series

Roslyn, NYLearning NewsInfor

Leading LMS provider to sponsor webinars by Brandon Hall Research

CERTPOINT Systems™, provider of LMS/LCMS CERTPOINTVLS™ and mobile knowledge app K-Tango™ announced today that it will sponsor a series of webinars by Brandon Hall Research beginning Tuesday, October 25th 2011 and extending through 2012.

The first webinar in the series is “Selecting an LMS: Converging your business needs with emerging learning trends.” Speaking at the webinar are Scot Lake, Senior Analyst at Brandon Hall and Kenneth Fung, CERTPOINT Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategy. Among other topics, they will discuss:

  • Key learning trends that could impact your organization in the next three years

  • Award winning approaches to selecting solution providers that meet today’s needs and tomorrows challenges

  • Future webinars in the series will cover issues such as LMS selection, mobile learning, social collaboration and informal learning, global implementation and more. To be placed on the mailing list for these and all CERTPOINT-sponsored webinars, contact (