Jam Pan founder to judge Educate North Awards
David Wood, founder of Jam Pan Learning marketplace is to join the judging panel for the upcoming Educate North Awards, established in association with the Telegraph.
The Awards recognise and celebrate the success and growth of the knowledge sector across the North of England.
The Educate North Awards complements a conference during the day with will be of huge interest to academics and academic staff, providers of professional and financial services, business people seeking to engage with education and public bodies with a keen interest in seeing the broader value of education fully recognised.
The HE and FE sector in the North is worth tens of billions of pounds to the economy and Educate North is the first ever conference and awards to specifically address this issue at a time when the whole concept of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ is taking shape.
Agenda & Speakers
Full details of the conference agenda and an outstanding panel of speakers are available on the Educate the North Awards website.
Entering the Awards
For those thinking of entering the awards, full details of the categories and deadlines are also available online.