Kallidus positioned core challenger: Elearnity 9-Grid™ for LMS and bespoke e-learning development
Kallidus, a leading provider of learning and talent management solutions, has once again been positioned as a ‘Core Challenger’ in Elearnity’s 2015 9-Grid™ models for Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Bespoke E-Learning.
Over the last 12 months, Kallidus has increased its presence as a Core Challenger in the LMS report. Leading independent European analyst Elearnity has rated the ‘Total Cost of Ownership’ for Kallidus LMS and Kallidus bespoke e-learning content at the ‘lower level’, reflecting the lower costs to acquire, implement, maintain and run Kallidus solutions compared to competitive offerings in the marketplace.
Rob Caul, CEO of Kallidus said: “Elearnity’s reports highlight our ability to deliver innovative cost-effective solutions to the European marketplace and how we are successfully challenging larger players through our engaging solutions and by putting customer service excellence at the heart of everything we do.”
The Elearnity 9-Grid™ is a five dimensional model providing an independent analysis of the key vendor’s in the European learning and talent marketplace by comparing Performance, Potential, Market Presence, Total Cost of Ownership and Future Trajectory.
Philip Pyle, Sales and Marketing Director at Kallidus added: “We are delighted to be rated as a core challenger in the learning and talent marketplace once again. As the market continues to undergo major structural change, Kallidus continues to punch above its weight through the timely delivery of integrated, multi-platform solutions that help companies develop talented people and improve business performance.”
A full copy of both reports are available from Elearnity’s website, www.elearnity.com. For further information about Kallidus visit www.kallidus.com or follow @Kallidus on Twitter.
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