News story

Kineo Announces E-Learning Insights Event

Brighton, UKLearning NewsKineo

The event will present the detailed findings from the latest E-Learning Age 2012 research report and the top twelve trends. It will also include case studies of responsive e-learning for multiple devices, game based approaches to learning, award winning compliance learning approaches and creating seamless, personalised learner journeys.


The day will be kicked off by Clive Shepherd, leading UK e-learning consultant and keen market analyst, looking at the future of e-learning and the role of learning architects.

Steve Rayson, Kineo Managing Director, and Peter Williams, Editor of E-Learning Age, will present the detailed findings behind the E-Learning Insights Report 2012. This report detailing key learning technology trends and developments over the last year is the result of a joint research project that has involved interviewing over 30 leading organisations. The summary report will be published on 8th November to coincide with the E-Learning Awards. This event will be the first opportunity to delve into the findings in more detail, and see some of the technologies in action.

Kineo and clients will be outlining various case studies and examples showing the report trends in action, including the very latest in responsive e-learning, a single version that works on all devices, and game based approaches to learning.

Kirstie Donnelly, Director of City & Guilds, who are working closely with Kineo and kindly hosting the event, will show how the vocational learning landscape is changing and how new directions in learning technologies are influencing this.

Kineo’s Stephen Walsh will be demonstrating how Kineo’s approach to compliance e-learning won this year’s Brandon Hall gold award for compliance training.

In the afternoon there will be separate event tracks including a Totara LMS User Group and an in-depth session on designing e-learning in a multi-device world.

It promises to be an exciting and packed day highlighting the very latest innovations in e-learning, and an opportunity to network with leaders in learning and technology.

Date: 15th November 2012

Time: 9.30am to 4.30 pm (The Totara User Group track will take place 2.00pm to 4.30pm)

Venue: City and Guilds, 1 Giltspur Stret, London, EC1A 9DD

The event is free but places are limited; reservation is available via e-mail to