News story

New Articulate Storyline Tool Launched: Kineo Reviews and Shares Example E-learning

Brighton, UKLearning NewsKineo

E-learning designers everywhere take note: there’s a new tool in town. Articulate has just released Storyline, which brings a range of new features. Leaders in e-learning Kineo have been among the first to take the tool for a test drive and today shares a review and demo of the tool.

Kineo has used Articulate Studio products for over 5 years as one of the leading tools for the design and delivery of cost-effective quality learning for its clients. Kineo’s Articulate work includes including award-winning solutions for Cable&Wireless, McDonald’s, PwC, and many others. So when Articulate announced Storyline was in development, Kineo was delighted to be included in the beta group, and to be among the first to share our views on its official launch. 

The tool has a great range of new features including

  • Enhanced visual design options
  • Branching scenario design for a richer learner experience
  • Built-in character image libraries
  • Screen recording
  • Options for publishing to mobile devices including iPad 

...and much more.

E-learning designers can read Kineo’s review of Articulate Storyline and see a sample of what the tool can do on the Kineo website and buy the tool from Kineo at a time-limited discounted rate by emailing

Contact Kineo to find out more at