AstraZeneca learning chief on LNTV
Learning Now TV, Nov 26: Brian Murphy, Global Head of Learning and Enterprise Capabilities at AstraZeneca, talks to LNTV this week about AstraZeneca's initiative to increase opportunities for learning. Plus LNTV looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the HE sector.
Learning Now TV’s Nigel Paine this week got to talk to Brian Murphy, head of learning at AstraZeneca, exploring how the pharmaceutical giant has increased learning opportunities and capabilities.
Digital learning designer Neil Mosley, formerly with Cardiff University and Imperial University, talks to Kate about how Covid has impacted the HE sector and what that could mean for the future.
Plus LNTV reviews a new podcast from Michelle Ockers, Shannon Tipton and Laura Overton; Dr Hannah Gore continues her series on engaging conversations; and Robin Hoyle looks at the practicalities around using mobile devices for training.
The next Learning Now tv show is on Thursday Nov 26 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Nov 26:
Brian Murphy, Global Head of Learning and Enterprise Capabilities at AstraZeneca, talks to Nigel about his recent initiative to increase the opportunities and capabilities for learning at the global pharmaceutical giant.
Neil Mosley, a digital learning designer and consultant, formerly with Cardiff University and Imperial University, talks to Kate about how Covid has impacted the HE sector and what that could mean for the future.
Michelle Ockers, Shannon Tipton & Laura Overton talk to Nigel about their new podcast 'Emergent' which aims to help the learning profession explore how we can prepare for when the pandemic is over.
Dr Hannah Gore continues her 5-part series on Engaging Conversations. In Part 3 she looks at engaging conversations within face-to-face events.
Robin Hoyle talks about his experience of utilising mobile devices for training and in particular whether users have the necessary facilities, such as available data, to get the best from it.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Nov 26 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.