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Learning Technologies Summer Forum 2019: conference programme announced

LondonLearning NewsLearning Technologies

The conference programme for the upcoming Learning Technologies Summer Forum on 11 July has been announced, with the emphasis of learning in practice.

LTSF: Informal, conversational and problem-focused
LTSF: Informal, conversational and problem-focusedĀ 

Running as part of the Learning Technologies 2019 Summer Forum, the conference programme is designed with the emphasis on learning in practice and takes place on 11 July at London EcXeL.

Delegates will find a wide range of sessions including auditorium sessions, café sessions, workshops and seminars, all with the common theme of interaction and engagement.

The Learning Technologies Summer Forum Conference is free for Learning Technologies conference delegates, past LSG conference delegates and Learning and Skills Group members. The full terms and eligibility are available on the LTSF conference website.

“Informal, conversational and problem-focused, every Learning Technologies Summer Forum Conference gives us the chance to come together and consider how far we have progressed since February, and to help each other in achieving the year’s goals,” explains conference chair, Donald H Taylor.

“Over 20 speakers and facilitators from the February event and more than 500 members will gather to discuss, interact and share experiences – both good and bad – with the aim of helping us all to do our work better. It will also be the chance to network and share experiences with those you have met online through the Learning and Skills Group and at Learning Technologies 2019.”

In addition to the conference the Learning Technologies Summer Forum Exhibition provides visitors with a showcase of over 40 of the learning sector’s leading suppliers and a packed programme of 45 free seminars in five open theatres.

As a follow up event to the Learning Technologies London event earlier in 2019, the Learning Technologies Summer Forum provides a wonderful opportunity for learning industry professionals to network with each other and discuss the hottest topics in workplace learning and development.