News story

eLaHub at LT24: creating accessible and inclusive learning content

Learning NewsLearning Technologies

eLaHub is demonstrating its unique on-line self-paced Designing Accessible Learning Content Programme at Learning Technologies 2024.

Would you like to learn how to create more accessible and inclusive learning content? eLaHub will be demonstrating its unique on-line self-paced Designing Accessible Learning Content (DALC) Programme at Learning Technologies 2024.

The World Economic Forum estimated in 2019 that although 90% of companies prioritised diversity, only 4% considered disability. That’s why any organisation committed to EDI needs to prove that they are also committed to accessibility. Developed by industry leading expert Susi Miller, the Designing Accessible Learning Content (DALC) Programme has been designed to support L&D professionals that want to create more accessible and inclusive content. If you want to find out if it could benefit you or your organisation to take part in the programme, come and see eLaHub at Learning Technologies 2024

The DALC programme is a first-of-its-kind solution in accessibility training for learning content. Based on the industry leading textbook Designing Accessible Learning Content by Susi Miller alongside the experience working with over 60 organisations worldwide, the programme doesn’t just teach accessibility, it practices it. As well as instructing practitioners how to make learning content compliant to international accessibility guidelines, it actively demonstrates how to apply those standards using a real-world authoring tool. The programme proves conclusively that legally accessible learning content can also be interactive and effective.

For the first time, the DALC Programme provides learning practitioners with comprehensive guidance on how to fix issues with existing inaccessible learning resources, and design new content that it is:

  • Legally compliant
    Our programme teaches learning practitioners how to meet the 86 standards of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The programme is unique in focusing on the latest version 2.2 of the standards released in Autumn 2023. This ensures not only that your learning content is legally compliant, but also that it is fully accessible to learners with a wide range of disabilities and access needs.
  • Interactive and effective
    It’s a common myth in the L&D industry, that fully accessible learning content is boring and ineffective. Our research and feedback from clients and learners prove beyond a doubt that this is not the case. The programme uses a popular authoring tool to practically demonstrate just how interactive and effective accessible learning can be.
  • Versatile and accommodating
    It’s estimated that about 15% of a typical learning audience have a disability or access need. But a far greater number will benefit if your learning experiences are versatile and accommodating for everyone. By following our programme and making learning content accessible, your learning will be able to meet the unique circumstances, environments, and preferences of each learner.
  • Learner centric
    eLaHub’s experience working with organisations in every field of L&D has proved, without a doubt, that accessible learning content is better learning content for everyone – including learners with disabilities and access needs. Focusing on the needs and preferences of learners helps designers and developers think differently and leads to learning experiences that are more personalised, meaningful, and effective for all learners.
  • Equitable, diverse and inclusive
    Creating learning content that is designed to be accessible and inclusive for all staff demonstrates your organisations commitment to EDI. The programme shows you how to make all learners feel welcome, valued and included.
  • Future proof
    Your learners don’t stay the same. It’s estimated that 2% of the working age population becomes disabled every year. Add to that the vision, hearing and cognitive changes that we all naturally experience as we grow older and the case for accessible learning grows ever louder. Accessibility is the guarantee that your learning content is always ready for these changes in your workforce.

If you would like to find out more or the programme, or you simply want to understand a bit more about the creation of accessible and inclusive learning content, come and see eLaHub at Launch Pad 24 at Learning Technologies. We would love to help with your accessibility questions and spread the word on how to make all learning content accessible and inclusive – as the default.

About eLaHub

eLaHub is a team of Learning & Development and accessibility professionals who believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn and to achieve their potential. Our mission is to improve the learning experience for everyone, including people with a wide range of disabilities and access needs. Our extensive experience and passion for accessible and inclusive learning make us industry leaders in providing eLearning accessibility training, consultancy and auditing services. We have worked with over 60 organisations worldwide to support and promote eLearning accessibility and digital inclusion.

Further information

Sally Page,
eLaHub on LinkedIn