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'Learn Long & Prosper': George Takei Theme at Learning 2013

Saratoga Springs, NYLearning NewsMASIE Productions

Elliott Masie’s Learning 2013 will feature Actor George Takei, keynoting on Storytelling, Learning & Social Media.

George Takei
George Takei 

"Learn Long & Prosper" is the phrase Actor George Takei will use in his keynote on Storytelling and Social Media at Learning 2013, to be held from November 3 to 6 in Orlando, Florida.

George Takei is best known for playing Sulu on the original "Star Trek" TV series and six movies that followed.  He is also unlikely social media royalty.  Unofficially dubbed the King of Facebook, George counts 4 million fans in his online empire - including "Trekkies" - who devour his quirky mix of kitten jokes, "Star Trek" references, heartfelt messages, and sci-fi/fantasy memes. His current projects include the musical Allegiance, drawn from his experience of growing up in a Japanese American internment camp during World War II, and the recently published Oh Myyy! There Goes the Internet.

At Learning 2013, George Takei will be a special presenter, along with featured keynote by Former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Journalist Jane Pauley.

"I am honored to feature George Takei, who represents decades of experience as a storyteller, actor and advocate for change.  In addition, George has changed the nature of storytelling in the world of social media.  Over 4 million people receive, read and distribute George's amusing and moving stories, blog posts and cartoons.  George will be appearing and interacting with over 1,400 leaders of corporate learning and workplace development, providing a unique perspective on storytelling and digital media", says Elliott Masie, host of Learning 2013.

Learning 2013 will be held in Orlando, Florida from November 3 to 6, 2013.  

Learning 2013 is produced by The Learning CONSORTIUM, a collaborative of 230 global corporations focused on improving workplace learning and training.  Hosted and curated by Elliott Masie, Learning 2013 brings together several thousand learning professionals as they focus on the changing nature of workplace education and development.  In previous years, keynote speakers have included General Colin Powell, President Bill Clinton, Apolo Ohno, Captain Sully Sullenberger and business authors Marshall Goldsmith, Ken Blanchard and Tom Peters. 

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