News story

Elliott Masie Presents on Big Learning Directions & Data at ASTD 2014 Conference

Washington, DCLearning NewsMASIE Productions

Elliott Masie will present a provocative session on Big Learning Directions & Big Learning Data on Monday May 5 at the ASTD 2014 Conference in Washington, DC.

Learning 2014
Learning 2014 

Elliott Masie, the Chair of the Learning CONSORTIUM and Host of Learning 2014, will present a provocative session on Big Learning Directions & Big Learning Data at the ASTD 2014 International Conference & Exposition, to be held in Washington, DC on Monday, May 5.

In addition, Elliott Masie will be at the Learning 2014 exhibit for ongoing conversations with global learning colleagues.

Big Learning Directions & Big Learning Data will be a detailed, drill-down presentation and dialogue on the challenges, opportunities and disruptions that our field faces.  Elliott Masie is the author of a new book from ASTD entitled Big Learning Data and will address these issues:

  • Big Data in the Learning Arena
  • Big Data for Learning Designers & Producers
  • Big Data for Learners – Personalization Grows
  • Changes in Learning Content, Context and Community
  • Personalization of Learning
  • Shifts in Global and Leadership Development
  • Compliance and Learning: A New Perspective
  • ReBranding Learning & Learning Brands

The Big Learning Directions & Big Learning Data session will be held on Monday, May 5 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm in Ballroom A.  Elliott Masie will also be in Exhibit Booth #438 throughout the event.  In addition, Elliott will be meeting with global learning colleagues at the ASTD Conference.  He can be contacted at

Elliott Masie is the host of Learning 2014, which recently announced 3 exciting keynote speakers for that event, to be held in Orlando, Florida from Oct 26th to 29th:

  • Robin Roberts, Anchor of ABC’s Good Morning America
  • Chef Bobby Flay – Exploring Cooking and Learning
  • Sir Ken Robinson – The Learning Revolution and the Workplace

Information about The MASIE Center and Learning 2014 can be accessed at