News stories from MASIE Productions in 2020

Empathy Concert Hosted by Elliott Masie & Telly Leung

MASIE Productions | 17 Dec 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 25th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, December 18th, with perspectives on learning virtually in these challenging times. Featuring Learning Leaders, plus Broadway performers Mariand Torres, Marty Thomas, Melinda Doolittle, and Co-Host Telly Leung, this will be an uplifting hour of songs, stories, and conversations about Empathy & Change in these Times.

Empathy Concert Hosted by Elliott Masie & Telly Leung – Friday, November 13th

MASIE Productions | 13 Nov 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 23rd weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, November 13th, with perspectives on learning virtually in these challenging times. Featuring Learning Leaders from Feeding America and Land O’Lakes, plus Broadway performers Elizabeth Stanley, Dennis Stowe, and Co-Host Telly Leung, this will be an uplifting hour of songs, stories, and conversations about Empathy & Change in these Times.

Empathy Concert Hosted by Elliott Masie & Telly Leung – Friday, October 30th

MASIE Productions | 28 Oct 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 22nd weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, October 30th. Featuring Broadway performers Ann Sanders, Eliseo Roman, and Melinda Doolittle, and Co-Host Telly Leung, this will be an uplifting hour of songs, stories, and conversations about Empathy in these Times.

Learning Pivots eBook Published by Elliott Masie’s Learning CONSORTIUM

MASIE Productions | 19 Oct 2020

Elliott Masie, CEO of The MASIE Center and Chair of The Learning CONSORTIUM, is publishing an 80-page Learning Pivots eBook on how learning organizations, learning leaders, and learners themselves have been pivoting in the pandemic. It will be released tomorrow: Tuesday, October 20th, 2020.

Empathy Concert Honoring RBG, Hosted by Telly Leung – Friday, September 25th

MASIE Productions | 23 Sep 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 19th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, September 25th, with perspectives on learning virtually in these challenging times. Featuring Coach K Leadership & Ethics Center Executive Director Sanyin Siang, plus Broadway performers Megan McGinnis, Major Attaway, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

Empathy Concert with Patti Murin, Colin Donnell, and Telly Leung – Friday, September 11th

MASIE Productions | 10 Sep 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 18th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, September 11th, with perspectives on learning virtually in these challenging times. Featuring Zoom Global Education Lead Anne Keough Keehn, plus Broadway and TV Stars Patti Murin, Colin Donnell, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

Empathy Concert with Michael Longoria, Liz Callaway and Telly Leung – Friday, August 28th

MASIE Productions | 26 Aug 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 17th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, August 28th. Featuring Broadway and TV Stars Michael Longoria, Liz Callaway, Melinda Doolittle, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

Empathy Concert with Lindsay Mendez and Telly Leung – Thursday, July 30th

MASIE Productions | 29 Jul 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 15th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Thursday, July 30th, addressing Empathy for our Teachers. Featuring 3 amazing teachers from schools around the United States; plus Broadway and TV Stars Lindsay Mendez, Michael McElroy, Melinda Doolittle, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

Empathy in Times of Ambiguity and Change: Concert Featuring Broadway Stars June 26th

MASIE Productions | 25 Jun 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 13th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, June 26th, addressing Empathy from learning and business groups. This week’s Concert will feature Broadway Stars Crystal Monee Hall, Gary Adler, Christopher Sieber, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

“Stuck at Home”: Empathy Concert Featuring Broadway Stars & Hosted by Elliott Masie

MASIE Productions | 19 Jun 2020

Elliott Masie & Telly Leung are hosting the 12th weekly one-hour Empathy Concert on Friday, June 19th, addressing Empathy from learning and business groups, as well as in our homes. Featuring Learning Leader Jayzen Patria; plus Broadway Stars Laura Osnes, George Salazar, Melinda Doolittle, and Co-Host Telly Leung.

Elliott Masie Hosts Empathy Concert Featuring Broadway Stars on Friday, June 12

MASIE Productions | 11 Jun 2020

“I Can’t Breathe..” Empathy Concert with Broadway Performers and Learning Leaders by MASIE Center

MASIE Productions | 30 May 2020

Empathy CONCERT Learning Leader, Doctor, & Broadway Stars Join Elliott Masie

MASIE Productions | 28 May 2020

Empathy CONCERT Mandy Gonzalez (Hamilton), Kellogg’s Learning Leader & Elliott Masie

MASIE Productions | 20 May 2020

Empathy CONCERT with Elliott Masie, CLO's, and Broadway Stars

MASIE Productions | 13 May 2020

Empathy: Learning’s Role Elliott Masie, CLO Frank Nguyen, and Broadway Stars Concert

MASIE Productions | 30 Apr 2020

Empathy Concert: Weekly Live Video Session from Elliott Masie and Broadway Stars

MASIE Productions | 24 Apr 2020

Live Global Learning Pandemic Scan – Thursday, April 23rd

MASIE Productions | 21 Apr 2020

Empathy Concert: Weekly Live Video Session from Elliott Masie and Broadway Stars

MASIE Productions | 16 Apr 2020

Empathy: The Learning Department’s New Role in the Pandemic

MASIE Productions | 02 Apr 2020

Broadway Singers in Virtual Business Meetings – For Inspiration & Donations to The Actors Fund

MASIE Productions | 01 Apr 2020

International Learning Community Pandemic Global Scan – Webinar Tuesday, March 31st

MASIE Productions | 30 Mar 2020

Interactive Virtual Session on “Social Distance Learning - Agility in the Pandemic"

MASIE Productions | 12 Mar 2020