Tata Interactive Systems creates a new structure to drive innovation
London, UKLearning NewsMPS Interactive Systems
The global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), has launched an initiative to create a clearer focus, drive a culture of innovation and improve its service to clients through greater efficiencies achieved by a new operating structure.
The global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), has launched an initiative to create a clearer focus, drive a culture of innovation and improve its service to clients through greater efficiencies achieved by a new operating structure.
Instead of three divisions, TIS now has 11 'practices' covering its work in the fields of:
• Simulations
• Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)
• Enterprise Applications Training
• Orientation and Story Based Learning Objects™ (StoBLS™)
• Product and Skills Training
• Government
• Software Solutions
• K12 Content
• K12 Numeracy
• Universities and Continuing Education
• Mobile Learning
Team leaders in each of these practice areas will be able to draw on the wealth of skills within TIS's 1,000 or so staff to form appropriate teams for each particular project.
"With over 15 years experience of building e-learning applications throughout the world - in the corporate, public sector and education spheres - this new structure should help us to deliver the benefits of all this international and cross-cultural experience to our clients, through the application of more focused and efficient design and development skills," said Alan Samuel TIS's head of operations in the UK. "All TIS clients can now benefit from our 'repository of innovation', created from our experience of each new project and which now resides within each of our areas of practice.
"This will mean that neither TIS nor its clients will ever waste time and resources in 'reinventing the wheel', since the high degree of experience and know-how residing in each area of practice will, typically, shorten development times. Moreover, it will change the way in which we work and add even more value to our clients," he added.
• In addition, TIS has expanded its operations in world markets, establishing an office in Toronto, Canada. TIS's operations in Canada are headed by Julia Suk, formerly of SkillSoft. TIS now produces e-learning materials for organisations in the US, the UK, Australia, Mainland Europe, Japan, the UAE, Canada and India.
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