News story

Tata Interactive Systems and Drexel University win 2015 International Serious Play Awards

Mumbai, INDIALearning NewsMPS Interactive Systems

This recognition honours outstanding titles that deliver a high quality of engagement and measurable training or learning opportunities.

Tata Interactive Systems (TIS) and Drexel University have won the Bronze Medal for their Forensic Health Care Simulation at the 2015 International Serious Play Award.

TIS developed a suite of three self-paced simulation-based learning interventions for students at Drexel University to help them learn about foundational facets of Forensic Health Care. Two simulations were conversations between a forensic healthcare worker and a victim or offender and the third simulation was a decision-making exercise created in 3D.

Dr Paul Thomas Clements, Associate Clinical Professor at Drexel University (College of Nursing and Health Professions) says, “The interactive nature of the simulated victim interview allows for, in a safe and controlled environment: exploration and discovery of therapeutic questions reflecting “best practices”; examination of individual interview questions for the level of effectiveness; and analysis of questions that represent “poor choices” that subsequently result in abreactions from the victim and ultimately thwart the entire interview process.  This is accomplished by feedback being provided for each selected question, both optimal and sub-par.”

“One of the most significant strengths of this simulation is the ability to navigate the interview as often as needed or desired to increase the final score/level of success, and level of comfort and confidence, based on feedback throughout the entire process,” Dr Clements adds. Overwhelmingly, the student response, regardless of clinical practice background and level of experience, found the simulated interview to enhance their expertise when therapeutically and medico-legally engaging with victims of violence. Drexel University, a comprehensive global research university ranked among the top 100 in the US, uses simulation-based engaging learning solutions for students pursuing certification in Forensic Health Care. With approximately 26,000 students, Drexel is one of America's 15 largest private universities.

More information is available from Ms. Ishrat Shums, Executive Vice President - Global Marketing & Proposal Design, Tata Interactive Systems,,