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Tata Interactive Systems to focus on Blended Learning using Google apps at Learning Technologies 2015

Mumbai, IndiaLearning NewsMPS Interactive Systems

Tata Interactive Systems will share its innovative use of the Kolb-based Flipped Learning Model to plan the Googlized blend.

Mumbai, January 28, 2015: Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), a global provider of learning solutions, will host a seminar on Blended Learning at Learning Technologies 2015. This session on 28th January 2015 at Theatre 3 from 14:45 – 15:15 will showcase how TIS Googlized blended learning using a mix of Google Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Hangouts and Google Plus Community. TIS will also share its innovative use of the Kolb-based Flipped Learning Model to plan the Googlized blend.

The seminar will primarily look at how data-driven storytelling requirements can be applied to the Flipped Learning Model to create a great blended learning experience. TIS has used the Flipped Learning Model to help clients plan all-digital solutions, as well as blended learning for the classroom and or live events. The model is attractive to corporate clients as provides a structure that is easily understandable and can be applied to any learning topic. The flexibility of the model acts as an enabler for different levels of pedagogic learning to be delivered ranging from straightforward compliance training to C-Suite strategic leadership.

“We will share our expertise of best practice teaching techniques as applied to virtual facilitation and mentoring and using simple learning assets. We think the learning community will find our approach sound and insightful – it was rated 4.5 out of 5 by delegates due to strong peer-to-peer learning and activity-based engagement. But, as we know, personalised insights are best achieved through experiential learning,” announced Will Chadwick, Vice President – UK, Tata Interactive Systems.

After the Learning Technologies' session, TIS also plans to invite the learning community to experience flipping Google round the blend via a Google Hangout workshop in February 2015.

More information is available from Will Chadwick, Vice President - UK, Tata Interactive Systems,,