Tata Interactive Systems Sponsors Award Category at LPI Learning Awards
TOPSIM, the business simulations division of Tata Interactive Systems, sponsored the Social and Collaborative Learning category at the Learning Performance Institute (LPI) awards
TOPSIM, the business simulations division of Tata Interactive Systems, sponsored the Social and Collaborative Learning category at the Learning Performance Institute (LPI) awards held at the Dorchester hotel, Park Lane on Thursday 2nd February 2017. Manuel Pflumm, MD of TOPSIM in Germany made a special trip to present the award to winners ‘Ketchum’. The association with the LPI is growing following the successful accreditation of TOPSIM’s learning approaches by their independent assessor in 2016.
“We felt a strong affinity to this specific award category, because collaborative learning plays a strong role in TOPSIM’s business simulations. While the simulations themselves help develop business and financial acumen, the workshop-based and multiplayer formats of the simulations ensures that learners must work with each other as they make decisions within the simulation. TOPSIM’s success is a testament to the tremendous learning benefits derived from collaborative learning,” elaborates Manuel.
“Business simulations are well established within German corporate organisations but thinly used in the UK for people development programmes. We hope to explain the benefits and increase usage in the UK over the next years,” he added.