OEB 2018: Data-driven education
The opportunities and dangers of the greater use of data in learning and education will be debated at a panel session at OEB 2018 in Berlin from 5-7 December.
Data is becoming one of the hottest topics in education with educators keen to explore the possibilities and the significant advantages of using data to inform education design and delivery. At OEB Global a panel organised by eMadrid Network and the CompetenSEA project will consider the what’s possible and the implications for education professionals.
Conference Chair Rebecca Stromeyer, points out: “Data is the fuel to boost the knowledge economy - and learning analytics can help all stakeholders in education to monitor, predict and optimise the learning process. The opportunities and dangers of data-informed learning will be discussed by this panel at OEB 2018.”
On the panel are Manuel Freire Morán, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Maren Scheffel, Open Universiteit Nederland.
Manuel Freire has a PhD in Computer Science and has research interests in information visualization, human-computer interaction, online learning and serious games.
Carlos Delgado Kloos is Vice President for Strategy and Digital Education and has a PhD in Computer Science and in Telecommunications Engineering. He has lectured at TU München, UP Madrid and Universität Passau and has been a Research Scholar at MIT and Harvard. His main interest lies in the field of Educational Technology and is the Holder of the UNESCO Chair on Scalable Digital Education for All.
Maren Scheffel is an assistant professor within the Technology Enhanced Learning Innovations (TELI) department of the Open Universiteit’s Welten Institute, the Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology. Maren has a background in computational linguistics and has worked in technology-enhanced learning since 2009 and developed the Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics (EFLA).
‘Data-Driven Education’ takes place at OEB 2018 in Berlin on Thursday December 6 at 14:30 and forms part of a series of sessions about data in learning.
The full OEB conference programme along with registration and all the information delegates need to plan their time at the event is available on the OEB website.
OEB 2018 takes place in Berlin from 5-7 December.
Learning Technologies Germany will form part of OEB 2018, providing an additional focus for the conference on employment, skills and workplace learning.
Further information:
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