News story

AoMRC successfully pilots Selection Tests with Pearson VUE

London - StrandLearning NewsPearson VUE

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) together with UCL have successfully implemented a pilot programme for Speciality Training ST1 Selection delivered via a digital platform provided by the computer-based assessment company Pearson VUE.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) together with UCL have successfully implemented a pilot programme for Speciality Training ST1 Selection delivered via a digital platform provided by the computer-based assessment company Pearson VUE.

The AoMRC is seeking to develop a better selection method for Specialist Training - one that's fairer, more consistent, more transparent and less onerous for all concerned. As part of this process, in January 2010 the AoMRC asked all doctors currently applying for ST1 in England in certain specialties and deaneries to help pilot a Clinical Problem Solving Test and a Situational Judgement Test to evaluate their use as a potential part of future selection procedures.

Despite the adverse weather conditions experienced in January, the pilot project was implemented successfully using the Pearson VUE test network in the UK yielding valuable data which will help shape the ST1 selection process in the future. Professor Sir Neil Douglas,
chairman of the AoMRC, commented:

“Security, accessibility and fairness is a big issue for us, as we are looking at how applied knowledge and situational judgement tests might complement and, where appropriate, rationalise, the selection and recruitment processes currently used. Because of this, we selected Pearson VUE to deliver the pilot based on the company’s track record for its effective testing operation and we are very pleased with the efficient implementation of this part of the programme.”

Paul Howarth, Managing Director, Pearson VUE EMEA, added:

“We were selected by AoMRC based on our efficient and secure method of delivering scalable, valid and robust testing, and as AoMRC develops the ST1 selection process, we are certain that we can meet all of its testing needs. Our large network of testing centres across the UK means
that we can successfully administer the tests wherever the candidate may be.”


Media contacts: Oliver Chesher or Lucy Cunliffe at GyroHSR, (+44 161 876 5522), /

Notes to editors: Pearson VUE is a global leader in computer-based testing for information technology, academic, government and professional testing programmes around the world. Pearson VUE provides a full suite of services from test development to data management, and delivers exams through the world's most comprehensive and secure network of test centres in 165 countries. Pearson VUE is a business of Pearson (NYSE: PSO; LSE: PSON), the international media company, whose businesses include the Financial Times Group, Pearson Education and the Penguin Group.