News story

ifs School of Finance extend contract with Pearson VUE for 3 more years

London - StrandLearning NewsPearson VUE

In the past 8 years the ifs has worked closely with Pearson VUE to deliver over 200,000 computer based tests. The new contract, which runs until the end of 2013, cements this relationship going forward.

Ian Parrett, Director of Finance at the ifs, said: "With Pearson VUE, we are able to get our tests out into the marketplace very quickly, which is a big advantage. In a fast-paced environment such as financial regulation, it is important that examination candidates can be assessed quickly and effectively so employers can receive accurate, timely information about their staff's performance. The ability to book, re-book and sit a test when convenient improves the whole candidate experience."

ifs exam candidates are able to use Pearson VUE's customised network of 150 test centres throughout the UK, as well as Pearson Select centres overseas including Ethiopia, Malta, India and Kuwait.

The ifs chose Pearson VUE for their attitude to quality and security measures. Pearson VUE's commitment to the highest standards of test security helps reduce the clients worry by ensuring that the right candidate takes the right test at the right time - and receives the right result.

Suzana Lopes, VP Sales and Marketing EMEA for Pearson VUE, said: "We are committed to giving our clients outstanding service and security for their testing programmes and the re-signing of this contract confirms that we are providing a quality service. Many of our clients re-sign contract after contract with us and we are extremely pleased that the ifs felt able to do the same. Our commitment to them remains as high a priority as it did when we first signed with them 8 years ago. We consistently provide them with all the elements they need to ensure that they meet their candidate's expectations and that they grow their business."


Media contacts: Oliver Chesher or Lucy Cunliffe at GyroHSR, (+44 161 876 5522), /

Notes to editors: Pearson VUE is a global leader in computer-based testing for information technology, academic, government and professional testing programmes around the world. Pearson VUE provides a full suite of services from test development to data

management, and delivers exams through the worlds most comprehensive and secure network of test centres in 165 countries. Pearson VUE is a business of Pearson (NYSE: PSO; LSE: PSON), the international media company, whose businesses include the Financial Times Group, Pearson Education and the Penguin Group.

Notes to editors: ifs School of Finance
The ifs School of Finance is a registered educational charity incorporated by Royal Charter. It has a remit to provide the financial services industry with a skilled, effective and competent workforce whilst also promoting a better understanding of finance amongst consumers.

The ifs is the only educational body with a specific focus on finance that has the power to award its own degrees. Its formal qualifications range from GCSE and A Level equivalents for the 14-19 age group, to Degree and Masters programmes for financial professionals. The ifs also offers professional development, competence maintenance and executive education programmes through its alumni membership services.