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Top ten learning tips from Learning Technologies visitors

London, UKLearning NewsPremier IT

Visitors gave their top learning tips at Learning Technologies 2009 to help share best practice learning and development with peers.

Premier IT asked visitors to provide a top learning tip as part of their growing great ideas themed exhibition stand. All visitors who took part have now been sent a full breakdown of the top tips and a Top 10 Learning Tips list has been created from the most popular and most creative answers given.

Group Sales and Marketing Director, Ed Arnett, explains: "we were overwhelmed with top tips, filling our ideas board five times over! We received a wide variety of suggestions. Some were to do with the approach to learning, some focused on personal learning and others threw in some humour for good measure! We are most grateful to all of the visitors at Learning Technologies 2009 who contributed."

The Top 10 learning tips are:
1. More time spent on training needs analyses (TNA) will give
you a greater return on investment
2. Take the continuing professional development of your
employees seriously
3. Tell me and I might learn, involve me and I will learn
4. Give context and examples before demonstrating mechanics
and detail
5. Use a blended programme of e-Learning and Instructor-led
6. Keep training short and simple - bite-sized is best
7. Make it fun. Engagement = learning
8. Know your audience and plan ahead
9. Make it visual, rich and appealing to all the senses
10. If you blush when presenting wear a red jumper!

Anyone who would like to receive a full copy of Premier IT's Growing great ideas - Top learning tips document can simply email or download it from